Our babies are doing great. Everything today was as it should be (save for a hairy instant when one of us, who shall remain nameless, accidentally bumped their electrical cord for a brief moment). I was thinking about how great it would be if some of our babies grew up to be award winning chickens and that lead me to the following chickens who were, in their own way, recipients of a very important award in children's literature: the sought after Caldecott. The Caldecott is awarded each year for the book with the best pictures. The chicks and chickens in the following pictures are from the following books:
Sylvster and the Magic Pebble - William Steig
The Rooster Crows - Maud and Miska Petersham
One Fine Day - Nonny Hogrogian
Noah's Ark - Peter Sis
Animals of the Bible - Dorothy P. Lathrop
Chanticleer and the Fox - Barbara Cooney
The Egg Tree - Katherine Milhous
Frog Went A-Courtin' - Feodor Rojankovsky
Fables - Arnold Lobel
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every book that has ever won the Caldecott that has a picture in it of a chicken, but it is a start. And don't even get me started on the Honor books...this year's honor went to a book called
The Interrupting Chicken!

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