Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 4 - Families All Accounted For!

We now have five families all signed up to foster our babies. Each family will receive two chicks, a brooder box, all the feed and vitamins needed for about a 3 week stay, and food and water containers. Families have to provide their own heat lamp and clean bedding for the babies. Those of you with good math skills might be wondering...isn't that only 10 chicks? True, but recall, we aren't sure that all the 41 eggs will hatch. We will have a much better idea of how we are doing after we candle the eggs on Tuesday (more on that in a later post).

Any babies that arrive that do not get fostered get to go right to their final destination (and that is NOT Cauli's tummy!) at the farm.

I've checked the incubator several times today and we are holding steady! Our book says the babies should be sort of tad-pole-like by now. I hope they are swimming happily in their cozy shells!


  1. Broadway Gal,

    You should give out prizes to the patrons whose name suggestions are used for the chicks. Your department always has such great giveaways!

  2. Cauli - we are NOT giving out prizes for naming the chicks! Children need to be intrinsically motivated (unlike cats that can always be won over by bribes) and the prize for naming the chicks should be the pride one feels in ones very essence that one has accomplished something great and awesome for all of man and womankind to wonder at and adore.

    Got it?
