Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 3 - What is going on inside this egg?

So this is a picture of what COULD be going on inside each of our eggs.  See the tiny eye-spot that is starting to develop?  This is just day three but already our eggs have somehow made the decision (based on how conducive our climate is and whether or not they were fertilized) to develop or not.  Once we candle, we will have a much better idea if our eggs are on the right track.

You might ask, where did our eggs come from?  If I put the eggs in my refrigerator into an incubator and turn them very frequently and give them the right amount of moisture, would those eggs hatch into chicks in 21 days?  The answer would be NO.  Our eggs came from two local families who have lots of chickens...specifically hens (the females who lay the eggs) and roosters.  In the interest of our younger patrons let me just say that you have to have hens and roosters in order to have eggs that will turn into baby chicks.

We have 40 fertilized eggs and we are hoping for at least a 50% hatch.  We'd really like more than that and that's why we are watching our temperature and our humidity so carefully! 

I can't wait!!!
 - Broadway Gal

Picture from the book Egg to Chicken by Camilla De la Bedoyere, published by QEB Publishers in 2009. 

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